George Patriki
Dual Diagnosis Consultant
Optimal Health Group
George Patriki began reaching out to people with substance abuse issues, soon after exiting the drug culture in 1983. Since 1992, he has developed this commitment into a full time vocation and career as a Dual Diagnosis Consultant on the Gold Coast and throughout Australia. Qualifications include: Diploma in AOD (Alcohol & Other Drugs) Diploma in Mental Health Diploma in Counselling Diploma in Comorbidity (AOD & Mental Health) Graduate Certificate in Health: Addiction Studies Certificate IV T.A.A. (Training And Assessment) Diploma in Management Diploma in Community Welfare Certificate IV in Community Development Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training Currently undertaking Dip. in Training & Assessment
Research Interest
Psycho-dynamic & Trauma Model Therapy Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Motivational Interviewing Solution Focused Therapy Narrative Therapy Brief and Early Intervention